Deuter equipment
When you buy a product by DEUTER in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. DEUTER is one of the iconic brand offered by […]
When you buy a product by DEUTER in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. DEUTER is one of the iconic brand offered by […]
When you buy a product by BUFF in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. Last week we presented you DEUTER. Today we will […]
When you buy a product by JULBO in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. JULBO is one of the brands whose products have […]
When you buy a product by BERGHAUS in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. BERGHAUS – the world-class brand, can be found in […]
When you purchase a product by DEUTER, BUFF, JULBO, BERGHAUS in Stenata shops, you help a child and a youth go to the mountains. DEUTER, BUFF, JULBO, BERGHAUS are part […]
A little foreword and introduction into the topic The question of choosing equipment for mountaineering and travelling is as old as the world. Equipment can be discussed in terms of […]
‘We borrow the Earth from our children, it doesn’t belong to us’, as the old indigenous saying goes. Wise words, aren’t they? We will hand down this land, this nature, […]
Experiential learning in the mountains is the topic of our next meeting of Vitamin N. The date is May 2nd, the time – 18.30, and the venue – Sofia University’s […]
The first free mountain camp in the ‘Mountain, I Love You!‘ campaign will take place from 2 to 6 July in the area of Chakur Voyvoda hut in the Rila […]
The first free mountain adventure camp of the ‘Mountain, I Love You!’ campaign has found its participants. We thank all of the people, organisations, groups and media who helped us […]
Summer is at its height, and work at Natural Explorers is in full swing. Up until yesterday Natural Explorers were (and a part of the team still is) having adventures […]
A new Benefactor – Natural Explorer – Palahutev Travel, donated 2,000 levs for the ‘Mountain, I Love You!’ campaign. With a beaming smile we say THANK YOU for the support […]